Tuesday, December 11, 2018


 This past weekend (Sept 19-20) started the first day of Oktoberfest and the Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival. We decided to skip Oktoberfest for now. We may go later but for now we decided to skip it, especially for the first weekend where its sure to be super packed.
 We, instead, decided to go to the Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival. I had heard about it through facebook. It looked very interesting and different from anything in the states. The theme for this year 2015 is Pumpkins Taking Flight. This pumpkin festival is the worlds largest. It is located in Ludwigsburg.. Baden- Wurttemburg. Each year they typically display over 400,000 pumpkins. They make huge sculptures to go with there theme.
In the past years some of themes have been Sports Themes, Jurassic Park Theme, Ocean Theme, Switzerland Theme, Fairytale Theme, and an Egyptian Theme.
The festival also features and annual pumpkin boat race, where participants paddle across a lake using a hallowed out pumpkin. They also feature an annual European championship for the heaviest pumpkin. They also have tons of pumpkin dishes to choose from, to include pumpkin burgers, pumpkin wine, pumpkin popcorn and pumpkin cake.
We enjoyed it very much it was super fun. They also had a castle/tower where Rupunzel lives and you can see her long hair hanging down the tower. If you yell "Rupunzel Rupunzel lass dein Harr herunter!" ( Repuzel Repunzel let down your hair) here hair will lower down the tower. This year there was also a wonderful pumpkin carving team out here. We didnt get to see him work but we got to see his finished pumpkins which were hilarious. "Hubbard Family" by Ray Villafane from Villafane Studios USA. If you are every in the area during From September to November this is a must see.
This was for sure one of the best Pumpkin Festivals- Events i have ever seen and been too. Below are some pictures.

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Quiche

Pumpkin Secco

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